Global Software Developer

A global, vertical market software firm was losing money. A savvy CEO was hired to put the company in the black. His strategies were sound, but were difficult to implement quickly because they required the focus and commitment of an extremely scattered workforce, each location operating its own fiefdom.

Working closely with the CEO, ELG helped the leadership team identify meaningful and measurable results, align accountabilities to those results at every level of the company, and then establish monthly review and refresh cycle that imbedded focused performance throughout the company.

Result: The new system had been in place only months before aggressive quarterly corporate goals, including revenue and EBITA, were being surpassed. Employees reported a heightened sense of clarity and empowerment. Within 18 months, the company had acquired its nearest competitor for cash.

The CEO quipped, “I’ll take half the credit for my strategies, and give ELG half the credit for your approach to implementing it.”