Leadership Development

Building Natural LeadersTM

“Leadership development” should boost both careers and organizations. But it doesn’t always, does it?

Here’s what you should expect.

An employee’s investment of time and mindshare in leadership development should net immediately relevant payoffs on the job and, often, in life. Examples: better perspective on oneself and others; strategic thinking skills for better planning; a better grasp of how teams work best; and communication skills to comfort, coach, or confront. And much, much more.

This investment should confer leadership skills, but also some tricky management skills. Examples: the design and conduct of meetings that leverage cognitive diversity; design of organizational structures and processes; and the design of cross-functional projects and initiatives. There are right and wrong (painful) ways to do these things, among many others.

And if you’re an organizational leader sending employees to classes, courses, and individual coaching, then you should expect to see . . . guess what? More effective leadership! You should see stronger teams, more cross-silo cooperation, fewer staff problems and quicker resolution of those problems. And plenty more.

You may notice that improved on-the-job leadership is a higher bar to clear than just pleasant scores on “class evals,” though that’s good, too.

In short, participants of leadership development, and their bosses, ought to see improvements that make organizations and employees less stressed and more productive.

ELG’s approach to Building Natural LeadersTM, which includes personalized coaching, short classes, and complete courses, all does that.

(Click each category to learn more about the course offerings.)

Individual Leadership

Comprehensive Courses

Targeted Topic, Short

What Guides Our Course Content?

The content of our courses is guided by decades of experience and by behavioral science. You can get a sense of our angle on things by perusing our book, Executive Smarts, or by browsing our past articles. Or, just ask us.