Hal Barge has over thirty years of experience in leadership and organizational change, both in the US Navy and in the private sector. He completed a career as a Submarine Officer, which included command of the Submarine USS MICHIGAN, and command of a submarine industrial repair facility in the Pacific Northwest. Hal served as the community manager for the Navy’s 25,000 nuclear-trained enlisted workforce, and as a senior inspector for nuclear reactor operational safety inspections. He completed his career in two key roles on the staff of the Commander, US Submarine Forces, responsible for budgeting and future capabilities, and for maintenance and modernization of the US Submarine Force. In the private sector, Hal has had a leadership role in organizational quality, and a profit and loss role in engineering project management.
Hal’s expertise includes business process improvement, leading change, strategy execution, and project management. He is certified by the American Society of Quality as a Certified Manager of Quality and Organizational Effectiveness. Hal earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics at the University of North Carolina, and an MBA at the Harvard Business School.